CIRCLY 7.0 - Full Installation

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Filename CIRCLY_7.0_Install.exe
Filesize 12.52 MB
Version 1
Date added 21 June 2024
Downloaded 18719 times
Category CIRCLY, Members Only
wp_statistics_words_count 92

CIRCLY 7.0 (21 June 2024) – Full Installation.

Warning:  CIRCLY 7.0 is not a free upgrade to a CIRCLY 5.0 Perpetual Licence.

You can install CIRCLY 7.0 over the top of any older version of CIRCLY 7.0.  No changes will be made to your existing user data files.

CIRCLY 7.0 will operate in Evaluation Mode unless you have a CIRCLY Annual Licence (typically using a Hardware Lock).

Evaluation Mode has the following restrictions:

  • You must use the standard Material Properties provided with the Example Jobs or Workshop Exercises.
  • You can use the Automatic Thickness Design and Parametric Analysis features.