Downloads > APSDS (22)
Here are all the CIRCLY, APSDS and HIPAVE downloads – software, manuals, reports, papers and presentations.
- Advanced Design Of Flexible Aircraft Pavements. Wardle, L. and Rodway, B. (2010). (1854)
- An Improved Flexible Airport Pavement Design Method. Wardle, L.J. and Rodway, B. (1995) (341)
- APSDS 5.0 Airport Pavement Structural Design System (1114)
- APSDS 5.0 - Full Install (2769)
- APSDS 5.0 - User Manual (1105)
- APSDS 5.0 Brochure (1762)
- APSDS 5.0 Workshop - July 2024 - 1 slide per page (252)
- APSDS 5.0 Workshop - July 2024 - 2 slides per page (201)
- Calibration of Advanced Flexible Aircraft Pavement Design Method to S77-1 Method - Wardle, L.J., Rodway, B. and Rickards, I. (2001) (414)
- CIRCLY 6.0 Workshop Notes - 2 slides on each page (509)
- CIRCLY 6.0 Workshop Notes - one slide per page (845)
- CIRCLY 7.0 Workshop Notes - 2 slides on each page (2975)
- CIRCLY 7.0 Workshop Notes - one slide per page (6991)
- Current Issues For Mechanistic Pavement Design - Wardle, L.J., Youdale, G. and Rodway, B. (2003) (602)
- Development and Application of an Improved Airport Pavement Design Method. Wardle, L.J. and Rodway, B. (1995) (243)
- Hardware Lock Driver (3615)
- Heavy Duty Industrial Pavement Design Guide (3978)
- Interaction Between Wheels And Wheel Groups Of New Large Aircraft - Rodway, B., Wardle, L.J. and Wickham, G. (1999) (237)
- Layered Elastic Design Of Heavy Duty And Industrial Pavements - Rodway, B. and Wardle, L.J. (1998) (1142)
- Layered Elastic Pavement Design- Recent Developments. Wardle, L.J. and Rodway, B. (1998) (1219)